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Pathway to Passing


Now is the time to focus on what you can control, your personal development. You will come out stronger because of the tough times we are facing now as long as you don't give up!
Meetings will come back and the job market is going to something we have never seen before. Stand out from the crowd by being a CMP.


In this course, you'll go from that crippling, overwhelmed and unorganized feeling to being confident and equipped to pass the CMP Exam. If you're in the Hospitality Industry, then you know that the CMP designation is a credential that is recognized globally as a badge of excellence in the industry. If you are looking to achieve and join this level of mastery, then you already know that you need a plan to accomplish this.

When I took the Exam back in 2016, I felt alone and overwhelmed, trying to learn everything on my own. Yes, I joined a fantastic study group through my local MPI chapter, but still felt like I needed something more to help move me forward through the process. Since I travel for work, I missed a few of the in-person study group sessions and wished there was an affordable online resource to help me bridge the gap, so I didn't feel like I was behind. I was inspired to create something in the marketplace for others who were feeling the same way. Pathway to Passing is the resource I wish I had as a student preparing for the Exam.


You are right for Pathway to Passing if any of these apply to you:

  1. You're just getting started and don't want to be alone in the process
  2. You have already been through an MPI class but never actually took the Exam
  3. You're willing to put in the work if someone can set up the framework for you
  4. You're already studying but trying to find the courage to sign up for the Exam
  5. You feel worried that you haven't taken a test in years and don't know how to study
  6. You have an open mindset that anything is possible with the right tools
  7. You're willing to try and get outside of your comfort zone to start taking charge of your future
  8. You know that with times changing you need to stand out from the crowd 

Imagine yourself at the end of 2023

How different will your life be if you become a CMP? Did you get a promotion or start making more money? Imagine an upcoming networking event, and your badge has the letters CMP following your name. Can you see how confident you are carrying yourself now and proud that you achieved this high honor? What is still possible for you now that you have proved that you can accomplish something like this? I know when I received my passing score, it sparked and ignited this motivation to dream bigger and go bigger. What does this look like for you?

Even though the reasons to become a CMP are apparent, the path to doing it successfully is not as simple. Even with the best intentions, most would-be CMP's end up abandoning the process and get paralyzed along the way allowing themselves to become overwhelmed and stuck. They fall victim to the time commitment and try to do too much at once or try and cram right before the Exam. As an already busy meeting professional, we all have events going on and can't afford to lose focus by not following a clear path.  You can accomplish great things if you are on the right path and believe that you are capable of doing it.

Are you now ready to start the journey to become a CMP laying the right foundation? Even if you started the process but never finished, you now know that it was not a you problem; it was a process problem. Laying the foundation of mindset shifts, time management, and guidance are all part of the blueprint. If you’re ready to finally go after your dream to become a CMP once and for all, then Pathway to Passing is the way!

Introducing Pathway to PassingĀ 

it's the ONLY program of its kind that offers...

A virtual learning environment focusing on laying your foundation

Personalized study time frame based on your schedule

Learning from your desktop or on the go with a mobile app

Materials presented for different learning styles 

Offering low monthly payment plans for those who need it

Enroll for access to

  • Virtual learning at your own pace
  • 25 Clock hours of education-(All the education requirements you need for Exam)
  • Recorded in-depth Module review for all 9 Domains
  • Printable PowerPoint presentations for each Domain
  • Learn 24/7 on desktop or mobile app
  • Practice quizzes after each completed Domain
  • Domain assignments to practice what you have learned
  • Practice Exam
  • Glossary of terms review
  • Exam day prep
  • Deep-dive into each formula on the Exam
  • 1 year access to all materials. Watch as many times and as often as you need
  • A whole lot of motivation
  • Oh, good you are still with me. FUN! There will be FUN!

Pay Monthly

 $199 for 4 months



Pay Once

$599 and get one month free


Mail Check to: Tanya Roof, Meetings Together 14843 N. Skokie Court Phx, AZ 85022

I am so confident that you will find value in this course, I'm providing you a guarantee.

If, after 14 days from the start of the course, you decide it does not bring you significant value, and you can show that you have completed all the course work through Module 3, you can apply to cancel your enrollment. I want you to succeed and I built this course around that vision.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions you still might have before enrolling in Pathway to Passing

Track 1- Fast Track

Who this track is perfect for... You’re all in and 100% committed to doing whatever it takes to get your CMP even if it means a little less Netflix and a lot more PowerPoints! This is perfect for the person who isn’t working full time and has the focus to give to daily habits of reading and studying. This is also good for students who worry about not retaining the information they have just read. 

Duration: 10 weeks

Track 2-Consistent Climber-Most popular Track

Who this track is perfect for... This track is for you if you’re holding down a full-time gig and studying on the side. Your CMP dream is still strong and motivated, but you want to keep your sanity and get some sleep, too! This might also be you if you have young children at home and other commitments that keep you busy over the weekends. 

Duration: 16 weeks

Track 3-Strong and Steady

Who this track is perfect for.... The Strong and Steady track is for you if you’re really strapped for time but still committed to making a big change in your life and career. Whether you’ve got a lot going on personally, professionally, or both there’s no shame in going slow and steady as you work toward a big goal! This might also be you if you have major test anxiety. Taking your time to really absorb the information makes you feel more at ease when it comes to test-taking. 

Duration: 32 weeks

Set your own Track-

You go through the Modules however you would like to go through. You could do one Module a day or one Module a month; it's up to you!

Duration: You decide

You will have access to Modules 1-4 right away. Once the 14 day trail period ends you will have access to the rest of the Modules. When studying the material in smaller bite-sized pieces, you are less likely to feel overwhelmed, and you will retain more information. There are practice quizzes at the end of each module so you can make sure you are comfortable with the concepts before moving onto another Domain.

You are never behind. This is a self-paced course for you to go through each module based on your schedule and availability. I have created a weekly release schedule to help you stay focused, on track, and to help eliminate any unnecessary overwhelm. You will have access to the course for one year and do not have to follow the release schedule as outlined. You are never behind. This is a mindset shift we will work on in the course.

Sure, the more perspectives, the better. The material will be the same; however, everyone teaches concepts differently. In Pathway to Passing, I try and make the concepts as digestible and relatable as possible. Since this is self paced you can follow along with the study group you have already committed to and use Pathway to Passing as your online resource to compliment your in-person group.

The financial commitment for the CMP process can be costly for some. I have researched what is currently available in the marketplace and have found similar offerings ranging from $399 to $750 for 9 Domain course learning and one to two DAY crash course Bootcamps ranging from $95-$600, per Bootcamp, not including hotel and travel costs. In my research, I was not able to find anyone who offered a payment plan or a money-back guarantee. I was also not able to find a single platform that provides all of the benefits that you will receive from Pathway to Passing. I honestly feel that this program offers the best value for someone going through this process.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Once you learn how to time block your day and set your environment up for success, you will be amazed at how being intentional with your time makes all the difference. Also, since our modules are available on a mobile device you can plan to review the modules on the go or when you have a lunch break.

Take that one step forward today

Your CMP stays with you no matter what hotel or organization you plan meetings for. This is an investment in you and your future. You got this!

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Per month for 4 months


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