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Day 23

Uncategorized Apr 23, 2020

Today is World Book Day!

I mentioned earlier that I have finally become a reader. It's so great to be able to learn things in a book in a matter of weeks when the author has spent years researching the information to go into the book.

Today I was on a live one-hour master class with Jim Kwik. If you haven't heard of him, he teaches speed reading and memory recall. I bought some of his courses so I could help my Pathway to Passing students with some tips and tricks on how to learn information while studying for the CMP Exam. I don't want them just to learn it to pass the exam and forget the information, I want them to learn it and remember it!

As adult learners, we aren't really taught how to read, and things have changed since elementary school, right?! Jim is super smart and easy to follow if you want to check him out on social @kwiklearning he teaches in small bite-size pieces(just like in Pathway to Passing).

So, since it's World Book Day, what was the last book you read that you loved? Let me know in the comments or direct message! I hope you are having a great day and remember, leaders are readers!



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