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Day 18

Uncategorized Apr 18, 2020

Saturdays at our house usually are pretty laid back and chill. If we don't have anything going on, you'll find us hanging in our jammies all day! Today was one of those Saturdays. I dove into some work projects, but because it's the weekend, there isn't that time crunch pressure, so it pretty much lasted the entire day.

I got Allie a face mask for her Birthday, and she sent me a pic with it on, so I instantly knew what I was going to do for my #30for30together!

I love taking baths! It's the hot water, and it's quiet, it's the bubbles, it's the alone time, it's the mask for my face and my hair, it's the essential oils, dry brushing, and Epsom salts, it's pretty much everything about it!!! Relaxing this evening in a bath and then going to bed early! Have a great night!


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