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Day 15

Uncategorized Apr 15, 2020

Wow. We are halfway through!!!

It's been 15 days since I have been trying to be intentional about what I was doing each day to add a little joy. I'm not going to lie, it hasn't been as easy as I thought it would be each day. I'm a super positive person, but right not during these times when we have so much going on, it's hard to find the joy and positivity in each day even when you are intentional about it.

My beautiful friend Abby is getting outside and playing with her dogs, and Katey is getting out on walks in nature, Michelle is working on her at journals and Sarah is exercising and all these great healthy things.

Well, today, my 30for30together is sitting on the front porch just complaining to a friend and that makes me super happy. We had conversations about the crazy new world we are living in and discussions about the insane world the future could hold. But we decided that whatever the future holds, it won't change us as people. We still have to have that human connection and be with people, even if 6 ft. apart.

We can't be scared to get the virus and let it rule how we live. We just have to be smart about washing our hands and staying home if we are feeling sick, that's all we can do.

So, we have 15 days left!!!! We are halfway there. I know, I know, it may not be over by the end of the month, but this challenge is!! So how are you going to show up? Are you going to finish this strong? What are you going to do these next two weeks? Most people wish that weekends were longer well now is your long weekend, what are you going to do??


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